Wednesday 10 June 2009

I am a shameless geek

Last night was a training-free evening so I got to spend some quality time with my one true love – the Xbox 360 (sorry Mr S).

I’ve always been a bit of a gamer and have happy childhood memories spent huddled round the ZX Spectrum playing Manic Miner, Daley Thompson’s Decathlon and Ghostbusters.

In 1997/1998, the final year of my undergraduate degree, I was the only girl in a house full of boys - we spent vast swaths of time playing Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy VII. Without Lara Croft and Chocobo Racing I would have got a 1st. I have no regrets.

I currently own five consoles; the Xbox 360, Wii, DS, Gamecube and Playstation 2 (the latter two are much-loved old friends I’m unable to part with). The irony is my husband has no interest in gaming at all; it all got too complicated for him after Frogger. He’s happy to watch from the sidelines.

You may think it’s pretty sad that a soon-to-be 36 year old woman likes playing games, but I can assure you I am not alone. There are many more women like me and we’re not all playing those patronising nurturing games aimed at us– take note developers, I’m primarily interested in puzzle solving and shooting zombies in the head.

However, exercise of the non-virtual kind does have its advantages. I doubt very much I’d have lost 10 pounds whilst sat on my backside playing Left 4 Dead.

So, six miles planned for this evening, after Monday’s adventure it’ll be a breeze. I may even get home in time for some online zombie culling – happy days!

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